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A Brief Introduction to WASH For Impact Investors

Prepared by Joana Afonso (e-MFP), Sachin Kumar (Samavit Vikas Private Limited) and Alvaro Ma (Aqua for All) in collaboration with the e-MFP WASH Action Group, September 2022.

The e-MFP WASH Action Group, led by Aqua for All, was created in 2021 to answer to a need shared by some e-MFP members, particularly investors, to better understand the WASH sector and its relevance for low-income populations in developing countries, and to address key information/knowledge gaps that constrain investors in their decisions. 

To this end, the WASH Action Group in collaboration with consultant Sachin Kumar implemented a research study, the results of which e-MFP and Aqua for All are delighted to announce are now available in 3 publications. The first short publication "A Brief Introduction to WASH for Impact Investors" conveys the main messages of the study conducted and introduces the in-depth publication – "A Handbook on WASH for Impact Investors" which is published in 2 parts.

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