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Welcome to our new e-MFP Members!

20 Mar 2024

e-MFP continues growing and we are very excited to welcome 5 new institutional members - 60 Decibels, Access Alliance, Jinishian Memorial Foundation, LuxDev & UN World Food Programme (WFP)

e-MFP continues growing and we are very excited to welcome 5 new institutional members!

We can’t wait to collaborate with them and start sharing their amazing background and expertise through our activities and with all our members, as we continue our mission to foster financial inclusion worldwide. Welcome aboard!

Interested in being part of our vibrant community and work with our members? Don’t hesitate to contact our colleague Gabriela:

60 Decibels is a global, tech-enabled impact measurement company that brings speed and scalability to social impact measurement and customer insights. They provide genuine benchmarks of impact performance, enabling organizations to understand impact relative to peers and set performance targets. 60 Decibels employs phone interviews and other digital tools to gather qualitative and quantitative data directly from customers, borrowers, and other stakeholders that socially minded organisations seek to serve. 60 Decibels has developed the Microfinance (MFI) Index, a standardized product to listen directly to microfinance clients at scale and measure the impact of loans and other financial products on the lives of underserved communities around the world. Since 2021, 60dB has listened to over 50,000 clients of 150+ financial service providers across 47 countries enabling 25+ impact investors to better measure and manage their social impact. 

Want to learn more about 60 Decibels? Check their website!

Access Alliance is a US based women led consulting firm working to influence the flow of investment capital toward better economic outcomes for women. They provide gender smart advisory, including strategy development, impact and measurement frameworks and women centered design products, to impact investors, FSPs (including MFIs, banks and fintechs), funders and policy makers to enable more gender intentional approaches to their operations. A gender disaggregated data-driven approach is central to their work in order to challenge unconscious gender biases, uncover new opportunities for digital solutions and put into place actionable frameworks that foster inclusive growth. Access Alliance has a team of seasoned financial service professionals with decades of global experience in diverse emerging markets, and backgrounds that encompass roles as donors, investors, heads of financial institutions, and trusted advisors to both public and private sector entities.

Want to learn more about Access Alliance? Check their website!

Jinishian Memorial Foundation (JMF) is an Armenian foundation primarily sponsored by the Jinishian Memorial Program (JMP) of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. For 30 years, JMF has provided economic, social and spiritual assistance to millions of Armenians through projects in the areas of civil society and education, health, community & economic development, in partnership and collaboration with more than 160 grassroots and local NGOs. Through its biggest department, the economic development program department, JMF develops and implements projects to provide youth and farmers with both financial and non-financial support to establish or expand sustainable businesses. For the financial support, JMF partners with local MFIs to deliver low-interest affordable loans. As for non-financial support, JMF has developed in-house consultancy/training resources and they also partner with other service provider organizations to fully meet the demands of its beneficiaries.

Want to learn more about Jinishian Memorial Foundation? Check their website!

LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency, is an international private limited shareholder entity belonging to the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Founded in 1978, its main corporate purpose is to implement bilateral cooperation programs and projects on behalf of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg and within the Luxembourg cooperation policy, which mainly focuses on poverty eradication and sustainable development in its social, economic and environmental aspects. LuxDev works in several regions around the world including Sub-Saharan Africa, South East Asia, Central America and Europe. For more than twenty years, LuxDev has actively supported the development of the microfinance and inclusive finance sectors, both through the implementation of programs locally and through investments in funds, in the areas of SME, youth, agriculture, forestry, green inclusive finance and gender finance.

Want to learn more about LuxDev? Check their website!

UN World Food Programme (WFP) is the world’s largest humanitarian organization saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity, for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change. WFP serves the people who are most at risk of going hungry or being malnourished. Two-thirds of these people live in conflict settings, the majority are women, and many live in hard-to-reach areas with limited access to services. Increasingly, WFP meets people’s food and other essential needs through cash transfers, making WFP currently the largest provider of humanitarian payments globally. Since 2020, WFP has been working to accompany people, women in particular, on their journey toward greater digital financial inclusion and economic empowerment, with the goal of providing money to 10 million women and their households on their own financial accounts by 2030.

Want to learn more about WFP? Check their website!

e-MFP is also delighted to welcome one individual member, Dr. Erin Taylor. Erin is an anthropologist based in The Hague. She specializes in how people’s financial behaviour is changing along with innovation in financial services. 

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