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On International Women's Day - overcoming challenges, social norms and availing of new opportunities through financial inclusion

7 Mar 2024

This International Women's Day, e-MFP commits to supporting its members in addressing gender barriers and ensuring equity and opportunity for women everywhere.

The financial inclusion sector can help women overcome challenges, social norms and avail themselves of new opportunities.

This International Women's Day, e-MFP commits to supporting its members in addressing gender barriers and ensuring equity and opportunity for women everywhere.

See a selection of our recent resources on women's financial inclusion - session recordings from our annual conference EMW2023 and publications:

How are we Reversing the Gender Bias in SME Lending?

Increasing Food Security through Women-Centered Finance

Integrating Gender Mainstreaming from the Client all the way to the Board

Leading by Example: Women's Leadership in Inclusive Finance - Celebrating Corinne Molitor's Life

In case you missed it - our publications from the 'European Microfinance Award on Financial Inclusion That Works For Women':

Financial Inclusion that Works for Women: Lessons and best practices from the European Microfinance Award 2022

L'inclusion financière au service des femmes : Leçons et bonnes pratiques issues du Prix européen de la Microfinance 2022

La Inclusión Financiera al Servicio de la Mujer: Lecciones y Mejores Prácticas del Premio Europeo de las Microfinanzas 2022

e-MFP's Members' Spotlight 2022 on 'Financial Inclusion that Works for Women'

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