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'Green Essential Practices Report – Highlights of Good Green Practices' now out

11 Mar 2024

e-MFP and the e-MFP Green Inclusive and Climate Smart Finance Action Group (GICSF-AG) are thrilled to launch this new report in English, French and Spanish which features a selection of exemplary green inclusive finance practices identified among the green profiles and case studies included in the Green Map.

Green Essential Practices Report – Highlights of Good Green Practices

e-MFP and the e-MFP Green Inclusive and Climate Smart Finance Action Group (GICSF-AG) are thrilled to launch the report ‘Green Essential Practices Report – Highlights of Good Green Practices’ in English, French and Spanish. The report features a selection of exemplary green inclusive finance practices identified among the green profiles and case studies included in the Green Map. It offers insights into the successes but also challenges faced by financial service providers, and the solutions they found, to design and implement a their green strategy.

We hope it will be a source of inspiration for financial service providers and their partners contributing to capitalise on the sector’s experience to accelerate the green transition for poor households, smallholders, micro and small enterprises, and the inclusive finance actors themselves.

The Green Map project, developed with the support of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, aims to map green inclusive finance projects and practices in both adaptation to and mitigation of climate change and more broadly coping with environmental degradation and promoting sustainable environmental practices. With the Green Map, e-MFP and the GICSF-AG look to promote peer learning and transparency, enhance multi-stakeholder collaboration and to disseminate the outreach and scope of green inclusive finance, illustrated by relevant case studies structured along the Green Index 3.0 framework.

We are grateful to all the Green Map team involved in the project, especially to Isabelle Barrès, Project Lead and author of the report, the consultants Caroline Brandt (Horus Development Finance), Juana Ramirez and Silvia Recupero who developed the case studies, and Davide Forcella and Natalia Realpe Carrillo, co-Heads of the GICSF-AG. A very special thank you also to the 15 inclusive finance institutions that shared their experiences in the Green Map Essential Practices Case Studies Series

Read in English / Lire en français / Leer en español

Banner photo credit: Kazuend via Unsplash

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