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The European Microfinance Award 2022 highlights organisations working in financial inclusion that aim to understand and meet women’s challenges and aspirations in order to go beyond traditional gender outreach strategies.

Banco FIE (Bolivia) won the European Microfinance Award 2022 on Financial Inclusion that Works for Women

After a selection process that reviewed applications from 88 organisations, Banco FIE S.A. has been selected as winner to receive the €100,000 European Microfinance Award 2022.

The Bolivian bank captured the High Jury’s attention by incorporating a gender-related dimension into its products and services, in an effort to make them more accessible to women. To do this, it conducted a large number of customer surveys. Banco FIE provides a wide range of products, including micro-insurance (family life insurance and cancer policies), digital financial literacy and technical support to enhance agricultural productivity among women. Within its own organisation, Banco FIE has introduced an innovative business management model called ‘Marca Magenta’ to promote inclusive leadership, the empowerment of women, the prevention of violence and equal opportunities. 

The two finalists, Bancamía from Colombia and Kashf Foundation from Pakistan, each received €10,000. Read the press release here (18 Nov 2022)

Congratulations also to the 7 Award semi-finalists: Access Bank from Nigeria; Financiera Confianza from Peru; MicroLoan Foundation Malawi; MiBanco from Peru; Tinh Thuong One (TYM) Vietnam; The Small Enterprise Foundation from South Africa; and Kenya Women Microfinance Bank. Read the press release here (26 Sept 2022)

Learn more about the finalists and semifinalists, the outstanding cases and factors for success from this year’s European Microfinance Award (EMA) in our publication available in EN, FR and SP:

For more background information read:

Blog series:




L’édition 2022 du Prix européen de la Microfinance met en exergue des organisations qui œuvrent pour l’inclusion financière et visent à comprendre et à répondre aux aspirations et aux défis des femmes dans le but d’aller au-delà des indicateurs traditionnels de portée relatifs au genre.

Des 88 organisations en lice, Banco FIE S.A. a remporté le Prix européen de la microfinance 2022 d’un montant de 100.000€.

La banque bolivienne s’est démarquée pour avoir intégré une dimension genre dans la conception globale de ses produits et services dans le but de les rendre plus accessibles aux femmes, et ce grâce à de nombreuses études sur ses clientes. La gamme de produits offerts va de la micro-assurance (vie familiale et cancer) à l’éducation financière au numérique en passant par de l'assistance technique pour accroître la productivité des femmes dans l'agro-industrie. Sur le plan interne, Banco FIE a mis sur pied un modèle de gestion d'entreprise innovant baptisé « Marca Magenta » afin de promouvoir un leadership inclusif, l'autonomisation des femmes, la prévention de la violence et l'égalité des chances.

Les deux finalistes, Bancamía de Colombie et Kashf Foundation du Pakistan, ont chacun reçu un montant de 10.000€. Télécharger le communiqué de presse (18 Nov 2022)

Félicitations aussi aux sept demi-finalistes du Prix : Access Bank (Nigeria), Financiera Confianza (Pérou), MicroLoan Foundation (Malawi), MiBanco (Pérou), Tinh Thuong One (TYM) (Viêtnam), The Small Enterprise Foundation (Afrique du Sud) et Kenya Women Microfinance Bank.Télécharger le communiqué de presse (26 sept 2022)

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez lire :




El Premio Europeo de las Microfinanzas 2022 destaca organizaciones activas en el sector de la inclusión financiera que aspiran a comprender y satisfacer los desafíos y aspiraciones de las mujeres para ir más allá de las estrategias tradicionales de alcance.

Con 88 organizaciones participantes, Banco FIE S.A. ha ganado el Premio Europeo de las Microfinanzas de 2022 de 100.000 euros.

El banco boliviano ha destacado por haber integrado una dimensión de género en el diseño global de sus productos y servicios, con el fin de hacerlos más accesibles a las mujeres, gracias a numerosos estudios sobre sus clientas. Su gama de productos abarca desde los microseguros (vida y cáncer) a la educación financiera digital, pasando por asistencia técnica para mejorar la productividad de las mujeres en la agroindustria. En el ámbito interno, Banco FIE ha adoptado un modelo de gestión empresarial innovador llamado «Marca Magenta» para promover un liderazgo inclusivo, el empoderamiento de las mujeres, la prevención de la violencia y la igualdad de oportunidades.

Los dos finalistas, Bancamía de Colombia y Kashf Foundation de Pakistán, han recibido cada uno un importe de 10.000 euros. Descargar el comunicado de prensa (18 de noviembre 2022)

Felicitaciones a las siete organizaciones semifinalistas al Premio: Access Bank de Nigeria; Financiera Confianza de Perú; MicroLoan Foundation de Malaui; MiBanco de Perú; Tinh Thuong One (TYM) de Vietnam; The Small Enterprise Foundation de Sudáfrica; y el Kenya Women Microfinance Bank.Descargar el comunicado de prensa (26 de septiembre 2022)

Para más información sobre la edición 2022, puede leer:



The European Microfinance Award (EMA) is a prestigious annual award with €100,000 for the winner and €10,000 for the runners-up, which attracts applications from organisations active in financial services around the world that are innovating in a particular area of financial inclusion. It serves two parallel goals: rewarding excellence, and collecting and disseminating the most relevant practices for replication by others.

The EMA was launched in 2005 by the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs – Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs. It is jointly organised by the Ministry, the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP), and the Inclusive Finance Network Luxembourg (, in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB).

The EMA is presented in a ceremony which in the past has been in the presence of Her Royal Highness the Grand-Duchess of Luxembourg and the Luxembourg Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs. The ceremony takes place during the European Microfinance Week.

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