The European Microfinance Award 2021 on ‘Inclusive Finance and Health Care’ highlights initiatives that facilitate access to quality and affordable health care for low-income communities.On the 22nd and 23rd September 2021, the Selection Committee for the European Microfinance Award 2021 (EMA 2021) on "Inclusive Finance & Health Care" chose the three finalists who will go on to compete for the €100,000 prize: CRECER IFD from Bolivia; Dreamlopments Ltd. from Thailand; and Fonkoze from Haiti.
On 18th November in a ceremony held during European Microfinance Week, Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, President of the European Microfinance Award’s High Jury announced Fonkoze as the winner.
Winner: Fonkoze is an MFI in Haiti, and its non-profit foundation provides additional support, including health screening and education to very poor clients in remote regions where child mortality is among the highest in the world, less than a quarter of households have adequate sanitation, and access to all kinds of health care is very low. Recognising the impact of health shocks on its sister organisation's clients, in 2014 Fonkoze Foundation launched Boutik Santé, in which doctors and public health experts train nurses who in turn train microfinance clients and elect Community Health Entrepreneurs to conduct basic health screenings, deliver health education sessions, and procure health products.
Finalist: CRECER IFD (Crédito con Educación Rural Institución Financiera de Desarrollo) is a Bolivian non-bank financial institution which offers savings and credit services to women in poor, remote and vulnerable communities. Bolivia has one of the world's highest cervical cancer mortality rates, especially among young women, but screening and treatment access is very low. CRECER's CACU program empowers women and develops their capacity for auto-diagnostic and preventive care, involving health campaigns, screening and tele-consultation services, alongside a health loan to finance health expenditures (even those incurred up to 90 days before the loan application, such as medical treatments, consultations, and high-risk surgeries, as well as the purchase of medical equipment and medication).
Finalist: Dreamlopments Ltd is a non-profit social enterprise registered in Thailand which serves migrant workers and border communities in Thailand and Myanmar. Thailand is a primary country of destination for more than 3 million migrant workers who lack health protection and access to affordable healthcare. Dreamlopments' M-FUND offers migrants and their partners low-cost, not-for-profit health microinsurance, via 28 linked health facilities. The M-FUND pays for the cost of care of members in these healthcare facilities, up to their M-FUND's plan coverage. Various plans are available, including coverage for chronic, old age and pregnancy options.
Congratulations also to the 7 Award semi-finalists: Al Amana Microfinance from Morocco; ASEI from El Salvador; Avanza Sólido from Mexico; CARD from the Philippines; Friendship Bridge from Guatemala; Microfund for Women from Jordan; and Pro Mujer Argentina.
Learn more about the finalists and semifinalists, the outstanding cases and factors for success from this year’s European Microfinance Award (EMA) in our publication available in EN, FR and SP:
For more background information read:
‘The First Wealth is Health’: An e-MFP Webinar on Inclusive Finance and Health Care (recording)
Our NextBillion blog: ‘The First Wealth is Health’: Exploring the European Microfinance Award 2021’s Focus on Inclusive Finance and Health Care, 16 March 2021
MicroCapital interview: Christoph Pausch on the European Microfinance Award 2021: Inclusive Finance and Health Care, 1 April 2021
Blog: Five to Thrive! Embedding Health in Financial Services, 19 April 2021
Blog: Hospital Cash: a Game-Changer for Enabling Financial Inclusion in the Post-COVID Economy, 31 May 2021
Blog: Can a Medical Loan Help Microfinance Clients Tackle a Health Emergency Better? BRAC's experience, 14 July 2021
Blog: Inclusive Finance & Health Care - What Three of e-MFP’s Members are Doing on the Topic of EMA2021, 27 September 2021
Blog: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise Kids: Mitigating the Risk of Child Labor through Health Financing, 21 September
Reference documents: Application Guidelines (EN, FR, SP), Concept Note (EN, FR, SP)
CRECER IFD, Dreamlopments Ltd. and Fonkoze announced as Finalists for European Microfinance Award 2021 on Inclusive Finance & Health Care (press release, 28 Sept 2021)
Le Prix européen de la Microfinance 2021 « Financements et soins de santé inclusifs » met en valeur des initiatives qui permettent à des communautés à faible revenu d'accéder à des soins de santé de qualité et à un prix abordable.
Pour plus d'informations, lisez :
La santé est le bien le plus précieux
El Premio Europeo de las Microfinanzas 2021 "Finanzas y asistencia sanitaria inclusivas" destaca iniciativas que facilitan el acceso a una asistencia sanitaria de calidad y asequible a las comunidades de bajos ingresos.
Para más información sobre la edición 2021, puede consultar: La mayor riqueza es la salud
The European Microfinance Award is a prestigious annual award with €100,000 for the winner and €10,000 for the runners-up, which attracts applications from organisations active in financial services around the world that are innovating in a particular area of financial inclusion. It serves two parallel goals: rewarding excellence, and collecting and disseminating the most relevant practices for replication by others.
The Award was launched in 2005 by the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs – Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs. It is jointly organised by the Ministry, the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP), and the Inclusive Finance Network Luxembourg , in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB).
The Award is presented in a ceremony which in the past has been in the presence of Her Royal Highness the Grand-Duchess of Luxembourg and the Luxembourg Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs. The ceremony takes place during the European Microfinance Week, held (in normal years) in Luxembourg.