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WASH AG – Collaboration with Aqua for All

Start Year: 2021


Address key information/knowledge gaps in the water and sanitation sector, and map and define water and sanitation indicators that can be widely used by different stakeholders in the financial inclusion sector, particularly by the investors in their decisions. The AG was created to fill an information gap as many investors/funders find it difficult to grow their WASH portfolio because they lack clarity about the sector, how it works, and what are the opportunities for financial, social, and environmental return.

Current Activities

Webinar Series on Climate and WASH and Investors Sharing Sessions (2023 - on-going)

A series of webinars open to all interested on the topic of Climate and WASH, and a series of closed sessions aiming to promote the exchange of experiences and learnings from the investment projects being implemented by the AG members and other stakeholders. Work supported by consultant Jack Strosser.

WASH indicators for investors (2024 – on-going)

Exploratory work on WASH indicators building on the initial mapping conducted with the support of Rebel. The work will include understanding and documenting the impact measurement processes in Water and Sanitation being used by the investors participating in the AG, and testing the indicators proposed by the AG in different contexts.

Past Activities

Research study on WASH and financial Inclusion (2021-2022)

Preparation of a handbook on WASH for impact investors aiming to build a shared understanding of the water and sanitation value chains, and their associated terminology as well as to identify common challenges, pre-conceptions about the sector and good practices. Research work conducted by consultant Sachin Kumar.

Initial mapping of WASH indicators for investors (2022-2023)

Identification of WASH indicators being currently used, and the challenges associated with their collection and analysis, and recommendation of priority indicators. Work conducted by consultant Jeroen Trimpe Burger from Rebel.


Investors Sharing Sessions
Climate and WASH Webinar Series 2023-24
  • Mobilising climate finance for WASH: Practitioners' takeaways, 2 July (recording)

  • COP28 in context: Insights on wash financing, 8 February (recording)

Working Documents
European Microfinance Week Sessions

Action Group Head

Owais Shafiq is the Senior Impact Finance Officer at Aqua for All. Prior to joining Aqua for All, Owais worked for several years in positive impact sectors regarding energy access, public health, sustainable finance, and inclusive business principles with international organisations, such as the OECD, NGOs, social enterprises, and impact advisors.

Owais holds a MSc in International Management and Sustainability from Sciences Po, Paris, and a Bachelor of Engineering from Bangalore, India.


Joana Afonso


Photo: Liz Martin via Unsplash

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