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Investors in Tier 2/3 MFIs Action Group

Activity period: 2011 – 2016


The e-MFP Investors in Tier 2/3 MFIs Action Group gathered a collaborative group of microfinance investment organisations to address a common interest: improve their support to tier 2/3 MFIs. From 2011 to 2016, they have shared information about their investment practices and partners in order to avoid overlap and duplication of efforts, and to further support and develop their partner tier 2/3 MFIS. The activities of the AG aimed to enhance cooperation among microfinance investors and establish and maintain an environment where investors do not see each other as competitors but as partners supporting the microfinance sector.


  • Meeting 2 times a year to share information, discuss and analyse data provided by group members.

  • Support and commission research activities contributing to further define the group’s targets, namely annual surveys among investors with surveys conducted in 2012, 2013, and 2014.

  • Produce informative publications, policy notes and position statements.


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