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Human Resources AG (2018-2022)

Activity period: 2018 - 2022


To promote Human Resources as an integral part of good business practices in financial services providers (FSPs). These commonly have a large customer base – and many employees, with the institutions' success, and its social and financial performance, depending to a large extent on their human resources – their qualifications, their motivation and level of satisfaction. The HR AG activities offered a landscape of HR functions and practices in the financial inclusion sector and promoted the exchange of experiences and learnings on human resources practices carried out in a strategic and sustainable way.


Survey on Human Resources Development Practices in FSPs (2018-2021)
  • Mapping existing HR practices in FSPs assessing how far institutions use HRD as a strategic instrument for managing social and financial performance and filtering out good practices as well as gaps in HR practices. It was designed to allow participant institutions to understand their current state of HR practice and gain insight into alternative approaches that contribute to social and financial performance

  • Survey in 5 languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Lao)

  • Research conducted by consultant Cheryl Frankiewicz in collaboration with the HR AG members.

  • Survey Results were important input to the review of Dimension 5 of the Universal Standards on Social and Environmental Performance Management (USSEPM) in 2022

Blog series on HR practices (2021)
  • Blogs documenting 5 thematic case studies based on the recommendations of the survey report and a blog by ADG on the Talent Management Life Cycle (TMLC)

  • Case studies prepared by Cheryl Frankiewicz with the participation of 7 FSPs - ASKI (Philippines), Bank Arvand Tajikistan, Buusaa Gonofaa (Ethiopia), Crystal (Georgia), FINCA Guatemala, Mutuelle pour le Développement à la Base (MDB) Benin, and Vision Fund Guatemala.

Webinar Series on Experiences from the Field (2022)
  • 4 webinars to promote the results of the survey report, highlight the experience of selected FSPs in the implementation of different HRD practices, and exchange with practitioners on specific topics.

  • Collaboration with ILO-Social Finance and support in the organization from consultant Cara Forster.

  • Webinars on ‘Aligning HR practices with business strategy’ with the participation of Baobab Madagascar and Crystal (Georgia); ‘Supporting managers in their HR role’, with Al Majmoua (Lebanon), ASKI (Philippines) and FUBODE IFD (Bolivia); and two webinars (English and Spanish) on ‘How to Promote Gender Equality among Management and Staff in MFIs’, with CoreWoman and The Friendship Bridge (Guatemala).

A special thank you to:

  • The 195 FSPs from 56 countries that participated in the survey and to the FSPs that were willing to share their experiences through the thematic cases and webinars.

  • The AG members, particularly ADA, ADG, ILO, MFC and SPTF for their contributions in promoting the survey and to ILO for its financial contribution in the organization of the webinar series.

  • The AG Heads, Patricia Richter from ILO and the ADG team (Elisabeth Niendorf, Abbad El-Rayyes and Isabelle Katthagen).


2022 Webinar series

# 4  ‘Inclusión de género en el personal de las IMFs' en ESPAÑOL, 26 October 2022 

Recording, Presentación, Presentación FB Brief 4 (Español)

# 3 'How to Promote Gender Equality among Management and Staff in MFIs' in ENGLISH, 25 October 2022       Recording, Presentation, Presentation FB Brief 3

#2 'Supporting managers in their HRD role' , 22 September 2022      Recordings ENGLISH /ESPAÑOL Brief 2

#1 'How to align the HR function and business strategy for organisational success', 6 September 2022

Recording, Presentation, Handout Brief 1

2021 Blog series

# 5 From talent management to strategic HR, 2 February 2022

# 4 "We want our leaders to create other leaders": Supporting managers in their HRD role, 20 December 2021

# 3.2 "We know why they leave, but we don't know why they stay": What MFIs have learned about engaging employees, part 2, 12 November 2021

# 3.1 "We know why they leave, but we don't know why they stay": What MFIs have learned about engaging employees, part 1, 5 November 2021

# 2 Is HRD worth it? How seven MFIs are measuring the cost-effectiveness of their HR investments, 28 October 2021

# 1 More than just a 'seat at the table': How seven MFIs are aligning human resource development and business strategy, 22 October 2021

EMW sessions

EMW 2021 panel sessionResponsible Human Resource Development, 19 November 2021

Report on HRD Practices

Human Resource Development Practices in the Microfinance Sector, August 2021

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