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Digital Innovations for Financial Empowerment AG (2015 – 2019)

Activity period: 2015 - 2019


The e-MFP Digital Innovations for Financial Empowerment Action Group brings together microfinance and financial inclusion professionals with on the ground experience in the field of digital, electronic, and mobile finance operations, in order to:

  • Structure and extend the knowledge of the e-MFP members and the sector on the way financial institutions (FIs) are involved in digital operations around the world with a view of knowledge sharing. 

  • Identify the best practices regarding regulation, partnerships, “above and below the line marketing”, awareness and communication, distribution, how to pilot a model, technical solutions, business models, technical and financial assistance.

  • Clarify and quantify the effective outcomes of digital initiatives for the FIs and for the clients.

  • Disseminate and ensure that lessons learned, and best practices are effectively shared with FIs (and other financial institutions reaching low-income people), practitioners, social funders, policy makers, the senders and the receivers of payments/transfers (and other parties if applicable).

  • Address the issue of technology and business model transfer or cross pollination from mature economies to developing ones.


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