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Publications & Online Library

Online Library

Access the GICSF-AG online library on green inclusive finance here

This is the first online database dedicated to Green Inclusive Finance. The objective is to be both comprehensive and focused, and to be a useful repository for different types of actors with different levels of expertise and who are looking to answer a broad range of questions. Therefore, the publications collected include academic as well as policy- or practitioner-oriented publications, which can deal with concrete case studies or more abstract concepts. The search options are there to help the interested reader refine its quest.

The online library aims to support exchanges of experiences, results, and lesson learnt.

The online library is hosted at HEDERA, IT Partner of the e-MFP Green Inclusive & Climate-smart Finance Action Group:

GICSF-AG Publications

  • State of the Art of Green Inclusive Finance 2011-2019, prepared by the e-MFP Green Inclusive and Climate Smart Finance Action Group (GICSF-AG) under the coordination of the group co-heads: Davide Forcella (JuST Institute, CERMi) and Natalia Realpe Carrillo (HEDERA Sustainable Solutions GmbH), June 2023

  • The Green Index 3.0: Mainstreaming Green Inclusive Finance, prepared by the e-MFP Green Inclusive and Climate Smart Finance Action Group (GICSF-AG) under the coordination of the group co-Heads: Davide Forcella (JuST Institute, CERMi) and Natalia Realpe Carrillo (HEDERA Sustainable Solutions GmbH, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)), November 2022

  • Assessing Green Microfinance: Qualitative and quantitative indicators for measuring environmental performance, report preparation coordinated by Armonia Pierantozzi (MIX) as part of a joint collaboration between MIX and the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) Microfinance & Environment Action Group, November 2015

Green Products Catalogue (2014-2015)

The then e-MFP Microfinance and Environment Action Group (now GICSF-AG) developed in 2014-2015 a products catalogue on Renewable Energy (RE) and Efficient Energy (EE) products for poor households and microentrepreneurs aiming to contribute to build an enabling environment for RE and EE access for poor households and micro entrepreneurs and to overcome some of the main barriers related to lack of adapted technical understanding, financial mechanisms, and distribution channels.

The Products Catalogue_Clean_Energy_Inclusive_Finance-min
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Product Factsheets:

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